Emanuela Scarponi was born on January 28th, 1965, in a snowy Rome, at dawn. At the age of 11 she first travelled abroad all over Europe. At 16 she reached Asia crossing the Straits of the Dardanelles and Africa, crossing the Strait of Gibraltar. In 1982 she attended the academic course of
Foreign Languages and Literatures (English, French and Spanish) at university;she decided to attend a specialization course on African literature in the English language. At the Commonwealth Institute in London she composed her experimental thesis on Theatrical Works of Wole Soyinka,
he had become famous all over the world only in December 1986, when he won the Nobel Prize for literature. She met Wole Soyinka in February 1987 at The Grand Hotel in Rome and interviewed him.
She graduated on 16th march 1987 at 22 years of age, with honours at University LUMSA of Rome, discussing her thesis with a standing ovation from all professors (advisor, professor Rosario Portale), in the presence of Professor Riccardi, President of Sant’Egidio, and all the students.
She became an honourary member of Istituto Italo Africano ed Orientale for her important achievements.She received a scholarship for her undergraduate degree from Giovanni Spadolini.
She travelled throughout United States in 1987, where she visited a lot of African art museums.
She wrote her first article about International Seminar on African Studies held in Castelporziano, sponsored by senator Fanfani, published by the Academic journal “Africa” ISIAO. She became a teacher of languages (English, French and Spanish) and she devoted herself to the teaching of
English and French at secondary schools. She realized her rst journey throughout Africa in 1990 visiting Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana, publishing a photo essay. She returned to
Africa several times in different countries in South Sahara and Northern Africa, attracted by the indigenous populations. She explored other continents of the world. Of all her journeys she has preserved photos and movies, developing her love for photography. She worked as a TV program
assistant in 1990 for Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana and learnt to make a movie. In 1992 she became a parliamentary reporter at the Senate house like her beloved Charles Dickens, to whom she dedicated her first collection of poetry. She so practised the art of writing. On 02/06/2004, she became Cavaliere dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana (OMRI). She wrote her first book “La Namibia e i suoi popoli” in 2009, published by ISIAO. She realized her first film: “Namibia”, published by ISIAO. Her first photo exhibition took place at ISIAO in 2009 and a new edition took place at the Ministry for foreign affairs, in the prestigious Aldo Moro hall. In 2011 she attended the specialization course in “African studies” at ISIAO. She set up the website www.africanpeoplenews.it. She realized the film “I San del Kalahari”, 2011, published by APN publisher. She wrote: “A brief travel journey with a polar bear in Island” published on the Italian review “Nuove proposte” in 2013. She became editor-publisher of the journal Africanpeople review, registered at the Court of Rome and at CNR science research Council. Thanks to the success of the project, in 14 febbraio 2014  AFRICANPEOPLE ONG Non Governative Organization was created, and since December 2015 it became the legal entity-publisher of Africanpeoplenews.The editorial team is expanding and new of ces run by correspondents are available now in Milan, London, Paris, Malta, Cipro, Namibia, Egypt, Angola, Nigeria, South Africa and Madagascar. The project is widening with a webradio station and webtv station, that will make multidimensional the communication, listening and receiving global information, writing and listening. Africanpeoplenews is now becoming an important information point with the programme Africandailynews”, run by Emanuela Scarponi. As a publishing house, AFRICANPEOPLENEWS promotes cultural contributions about Africa.


Borsa di studio Giovanni Spadolini per il conseguimento del voto del diploma di laurea summa cum laude


Cavaliere Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana

Cenni storici e normativa dell'onorificenza

Data del conferimento: 02/06/2004

Su proposta della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri


Riforma Onu in base alla risoluzione

The wall paintings in southern Africa

Progetto Africa

Aurora boreale

Polar bear in island

Conferenza MAE

Presentazione mostra ISIAO

La marimba

Seminario internazionale di studio sulle nuove letterature africane

The White Lady of the Brandberg

Lo stenografo parlamentare

Più letti

Giovedì, 06 Settembre 2018
Curriculum Emanuela Scarponi
Lunedì, 25 Settembre 2017

Ultime news

Giovedì, 06 Settembre 2018
Curriculum Emanuela Scarponi
Lunedì, 25 Settembre 2017