Cari soci e amici dell'Albero,
in allegato le schede del prossimo film "L'altro volto della speranza"
venerdì 16 marzo.
Alleghiamo inoltre la locandina della Pro Loco Fregene Maccarese per
l'appuntamento  con l'arte contemporanea a cura di Sando Polo sabato 17 marzo alle 18.
Ci parlerà di Cesare Tacchi e gli artisti nel territorio di Fiumicino. 
Per l'Albero
un saluto
Apollonia e Manuela

Associazione Culturale l'Albero
Viale Maria s.n.c. -Maccarese
Cell.339/4539950- 3286349770
Gruppo Facebook: Associazione Culturale

Cher Membre,

Classiques, géométriques ou intemporels, tous nos bijoux sont inspirés des expositions ou des collections des plus grands musées.
Jusqu'au 29 avril, bénéficiez de l'offre de -20%* que nous vous avons réservée sur tous les bijoux avec le code PROMOCLUB.

Un bijou chargé d'histoires à offrir ou à s'offrir !

Votre Club Boutiques de Musée.

Les Boutiques de Musées - Rmn-Grand Palais

Cher Membre,

Moulages à l'identique des originaux conservés dans les plus grands musées. Toutes les reproductions sont réalisées à partir de moules conçus par les artisans de nos ateliers d'art de la Rmn-Grand Palais.

Jusqu'au 11 mars, profitez de l'offre de 20% sur l'ensemble de nos moulages avec le code promo PROMOCLUB.

Votre Club Boutiques de Musée.


SouthMed WiA, co-funded by the European Union under the regional programme MedFilm, announces the winning projects submitted in the framework of its 2nd call for proposals.


Among the 48 applications received within the deadline, the evaluation committee has awarded the following 4 projects:


New Audiovisual Society, for women…by women, , coordinated by Theatre Day Productions (T.D.P), Palestine, in partnership with The Arab Education Forum (AEF), Jordan.
Fostering Gender Equality behind the Camera, coordinated by The Center of Arab Women for Training and Research CAWTAR, Tunisia, in partnership with Shashat Woman Cinema, Palestine.
Women Digital Storytellers for Gender Equality, coordinated by Atabet Fann for Arts, Media and Training, Palestine, in partnership with ABAAD – Resource Center for Gender Equality, Lebanon, Association for Development and Alternative Media (ADAM), Tunisia, and Animate Initiative Palestine, Palestine.
Gender Representation in Egyptian Media, coordinated by Tadwein Gender Research Center, Egypt, in partnership with HRDO Center and Wlaha Wogoh Okhra Company, Egypt.

After the great success of last month Happy Hour at Hotel Art  we decided to repeat the event at Hotel Art.

Join us at next week at Hotel Art on Friday, March 9th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm for March's Friday Happy Hour!

Registration is due by 5pm Thursday, March 8th, we must ensure the hotel about number of guest to best organize buffet!  You can register either through our website hereinafter or through Eventbrite.

For security reasons: single reservation are necessary to participate at this event. Please bring printed evidence of reservation at Event entrance desk.

Meet up with an American and International crowd to mix and mingle, and even do a little networking. Drop by to see old friends, meet new ones, learn about our fantastic upcoming events, and inquire about membership opportunities!

As always, everyone is welcome! Come out and enjoy this classic venue - we look forward to seeing you there.

Event Details

When: Friday, March 9th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Location: Hotel Art, Via Margutta, 56, 00187 Roma


This year the Happy Hour at Hotel Art will be managed by hotel as far as payments (cash or debit/credit card ) and there will be a rich buffet including free drinks (prosecco, white and red wine) 

AICR Members: €14 at the door

Non-Members: €17 at the door

During this Happy Hour member can:

Apply for membership 2017-2018, and meet club-member sponsors!

Pick up your membership card for the 2017-2018 club year if you have already renewed your dues!


Reminder to members: the hotel will be asking to check that you have a current 2017-2018 membership card in order to get the discounted price. If you are in need of a card, you can either pick it up at registration at this event or contact Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

*Photo Disclaimer: by purchasing a ticket for this event, you agree to having your photograph taken and used on the AICR website and Facebook page. If you would prefer not to have your photo used in this manner for this event, you must notify the AICR office via email (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

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