SouthMed WiA, co-funded by the European Union under the regional programme MedFilm, announces the winning projects submitted in the framework of its 2nd call for proposals.


Among the 48 applications received within the deadline, the evaluation committee has awarded the following 4 projects:


New Audiovisual Society, for women…by women, , coordinated by Theatre Day Productions (T.D.P), Palestine, in partnership with The Arab Education Forum (AEF), Jordan.
Fostering Gender Equality behind the Camera, coordinated by The Center of Arab Women for Training and Research CAWTAR, Tunisia, in partnership with Shashat Woman Cinema, Palestine.
Women Digital Storytellers for Gender Equality, coordinated by Atabet Fann for Arts, Media and Training, Palestine, in partnership with ABAAD – Resource Center for Gender Equality, Lebanon, Association for Development and Alternative Media (ADAM), Tunisia, and Animate Initiative Palestine, Palestine.
Gender Representation in Egyptian Media, coordinated by Tadwein Gender Research Center, Egypt, in partnership with HRDO Center and Wlaha Wogoh Okhra Company, Egypt.

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