Ieri 2 febbraio , al Museo delle Civiltà , all’EUR , negli spazi del Museo delle arti e Tradizioni Popolari  si sono inaugurate le due mostre “Impressioni d’ Africa “ e  “ Città, Palazzi  e Monasteri .

Esposte le avventure archeologiche dell’ Ismeo / Isiao in Asia , che rappresentano la seconda parte del  progetto  Working  in Progress che andranno ad integrare l’allestimento provvisorio delle collezioni  d’arte orientale.   

Questo evento segue la presentazione ( il 21 dicembre 2017)  delle collezioni orientali  del museo Giuseppe Tucci.

La mostra Impressioni d’ Africa , racconta attraverso dipinti , sculture e oggetti di artigianato , la peculiarità di una collezione molto ricca e particolare , su cui le vicende storiche seguite alla seconda guerra mondiale e alla fine del colonialismo hanno calato un progressivo sipario .

L’altra mostra  Città ,palazzi ,monasteri . Le Avventure archeologiche dell’ Ismeo/ Isiao in Asia,  è dedicata a reperti  delle missioni in Pakistan , Afghanistan e Iran .

Il direttore Filippo Maria Gambari e tutto lo staff hanno compiuto in un lasso di tempo brevissimo un gran lavoro . L’entusiasmo e la passione che li anima lasciano ben sperare in un doveroso rilancio  e valorizzazione   del  patrimonio in possesso dei nostri musei .

Con  “Aperti per  lavori “ si è voluto valorizzare ed esporre i beni appartenenti al Museo nazionale d’arte orientale “Giuseppe Tucci “ a soli due mesi dal trasferimento dalla sede di Palazzo Brancaccio . 

Ricordiamo che l’Ismeo  ( Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente ), fu fondato nel !933 da  Giovanni Gentile  e da Giuseppe Tucci  , il quale già dal 1929 aveva intrapreso una serie di spedizioni nella regione dell’ Himalaya e che nel 1947 ,  divenne il presidente  dell’ istituto , dando nuovo impulso alle ricerche archeologiche in Asia . Tra il 1950 e il 1955 vennero condotte anche varie spedizioni in Nepal , Pakistan, Afghanistan e Iran .

Gilda Tucci

Immagine incorporata 1

Rete della Diaspora Africana Nera in Italia

Africa, futuro dell'Europa?
La visione della Diaspora Africana Nera in Italia
Sala Pio XI, Palazzo San Calisto, piazza San Calisto, 16 – Roma


Venerdì 19 gennaio 2018, dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 18:30 presso la Sala Pio XI di Palazzo San Calisto in Roma si terrà il convegno “Africa, futuro dell'Europa? - La visione della Diaspora Africana Nera d'Italia” organizzato dalla REDANI, Rete della Diaspora Africana Nera d'Italia. L'evento si colloca nell'ambito della chiusura della campagna Anche Le Immagini Uccidono, lanciata da REDANI, Rete della Diaspora Africana Nera in Italia il 20 novembre 2015 presso la Sala Stampa della Camera dei Deputati, al fine di sensibilizzare la società civile, le Istituzioni e gli operatori di comunicazione sociale circa l'uso etico e responsabile delle immagini di donne e bambini africani nelle campagne di raccolta fondi

The following is Michela Sanquest's interview with African People News

APN: Good morning Michela.What is the current situation in Zimbabwe?We  have been getting some dramatic news about the country.

MGS: Good morning,my name is Michelina Gabrié Sanquest.Recently,
there have been reports in the news regarding the political transformation of Zimbabwe.
President Mugabe was peacefully dismissed.Contrary to the reports in the European and American media,there was no coup d'etat.The country now has a new president who also served as vice president previously.The situation is normal and there were no problems of a political nature.No one died and no one got injured.The country is proud to share it's rich history and heritage with you.There are many archaeological sites in Zimbabwe.We have the Victoria Falls which are counted among the Unesco world heritage sites for a good reason and are known the world over.In Masvingo we have the Great Zimbabwe archaeological site where you will also find rock paintings.
Furthermore, we have many parks which are second to none and rival the very best in Kenya,Tanzania and South Africa.I would go so far as to say that the Great Zimbabwe is a great medieval palace.The biggest park in Zimbabwe is the Hwange National Park which is adjacent to the Victoria Falls.In this park you will find the Big Five,something which is rare indeed.We also have Masvingo where you will find the Great Zimbabwe,the origin of the word Zimbabwe.We have the famous Victoria Falls.Excuse me for repeating this but I feel it is important to focus on these attractions.We have the famous Kariba Dam which straddles the border with Zambia.This dam was constructed by the famous Italian company Salini Empregilo.Among it's many works Salini is currently involved in a Dam construction project in Ethiopia.The activities in Victoria Falls.The Victoria Falls are not the only tourist attraction in the area.They have made a name for themselves as a centre of adventure.The nature and animals are uncontaminated.If you stop to gaze at the many Baobabs,you will be amazed to see a pride of lions fight and tug their prey in the morning.You may also find yourself still with fear as you face the big herds of elephants  and buffalos that mingle in total freedom.The mystic atmosphere of the western plateaus.There is nothing more beautiful than waking up early in the morning to watch the sun slowly rise  above the mountain crests,marking the dawn of a new day.The mythical Kariba Dam and the 111 km long mighty Zambezi where one can enjoy activities such as ferry rides while watching birds,animals and the sunset.I therefore urge you not to miss this opportunity to visit Zimbabwe.This a unique chance to do so.Thank you.

APN: What is the current political situation in Zimbabwe?

MGS: Well,foreign investors can go and freely invest in any sector they want without fear.I am personally launching a tour operator business in Victoria Falls.I will naturally have to partner with a local business person as is prescribed by the law.The equity is split 52% to 48% between the foreign and local partners respectively.

APN: So the legend of Livingstone endures...?

MGS: Yes the legend is unique.

APN: The beautiful Victoria Falls

MGS: Yes these beautiful falls.I will say it again,there is a reason why they are one of the Unesco world heritage sites.

APN: Regarding the soldiers...?

MGS: I'm of the opinion that,by the way this is shared by many,all this is just a big fabrication on the part of the American and European media.There was no coup d'etat.It was just a transition from President Mugabe,who by the way was 93,to a new one.

APN: Is he not of the same political order as the previous president?

MGS: He shares certain views with the former president but he is more flexible when it comes to matters of the economy.

APN: OK,he is more flexible and younger  as well.Is he of the same ethnicity as well?

MGS: Yes he is Shona.In Zimbabwe there are four ethnicities.The Shona are from the Capital.The Ndebele are from Bulawayo.You also have the Zulu and the Tonga.The Tonga are from the area which straddles the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia.

APN: Is the Great Zimbabwe open to tourists.

MGS: Yes the Great Zimbabwe is open to tourists.It is in Masvingo which has some very beautiful lodges and it feels like the real Africa.I do not mean to take anything away from the other countries in Africa but I am in love with Zimbabwe.

APN: We are live from Zimbabwe.Good bye.

...sono nella prestigiosissima ambasciata di Etiopia a Roma! Emozionantissima in questa antica villetta  degli anni “30 del quartiere bene di Roma mi introduco al seguito del direttore delle linee etiopi all’interno di questa meravigliosa ambasciata austera e ricca di quadri, oggetti artistici e prodotti in pelle. Caffè... e così d’imtpvivso mi trasporto oltre il mediterraneo... oltre il deserto del Sahara... e la’ su quelle colline coltivate a caffè ... mi ritrovo a sognare meravigliosi colori africani....gentile la ambasciatrice con semplicità es eleganza mi introduce al suo paese, alle sue tradizioni.... e mi ricordo di lucy la donna più antica ritrovata in Etiopia ... di lalibella... oh sogno da venti anni...lalibela...

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