Dear Readers,
A mixed maritime bag this week. We begin with news that ReCAAP has released its six-month report on maritime crime in Southeast Asia. The positives are the drop in piracy, which are sadly countered by a rise in other maritime crimes. There is still much to do in the region, but the news has been good of late. Staying in the region, the Philippine and Australian navies have been conducting joint exercises in the Sulu Sea region again, which will be welcomed by merchant vessels transiting the waters. Piracy off Somalia remains at a very low ebb, partly thanks to the work of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) and the UN Counter Piracy Trust Fund, news reports state. Meanwhile, there are concerns being raised about just who will control the Red Sea's ports in the coming years, as various nations scramble to buy up ports. In Europe and the Mediterranean region, Interpol is currently running Operation Neptune, which aims to identify and apprehend terror suspects as they attempt to enter via ports, with Morocco now signing up to the scheme. We close with news that China is rattling its sabres around Taiwan. Again.
Regards, David Rider Editor